RAPID CITY, S.D. — A Hippie Haven spokesperson says in exchange for donating tampons, pads, and sanitary wipes – women can get a free menstrual cup. The donations will go to local nonprofits. Cups are a more economical choice over single-use products, but the more sustainable choice may not be...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Think of it as a springtime “Shop Small Saturday.” Jenn Harlan, the owner of Rapid City’s Younique Finds antique store, has teamed up with eleven other businesses to sponsor a one-day Spring Business Bingo. Stop by any of the 12 businesses on Saturday, May 8, and...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Workforce instability has been a concern in Rapid City recently. Elevate Rapid City held a workshop to Revitalize the Workforce, specifically for employers of high crisis individuals. Hiring and maintaining a workforce has been difficult, and although the unemployment rates are returning to normal, the labor participation...
KEYSTONE, S.D. — Tourism is the second largest industry in the state of South Dakota. Governor Kristi Noem spoke Monday at Mount Rushmore and highlighted how well the state did despite being in a pandemic. Gov. Noem said, “12.6 million people spent their vacation in South Dakota last year, that’s...
PIERRE, S.D. — Registered apprenticeship are a proven model of job preparation that combines paid on the job learning with technical instruction. Apprenticeships create entry level workers into experts. They have been active in South Dakota for a long time and have increased throughout time. Popular apprenticeships occupations in South...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — The COVID-19 pandemic changed things for many small businesses. “When things changed, our business model changed,” said Lisa Denherder. Denherder owns Kicks & Giggles Baby and Kids Boutique in downtown Rapid City. Like many small business owners trying to survive through the pandemic, the way of...
EDGEMONT, S.D. — Powertech Industries Inc. (a subsidiary of Azarga Uranium) based in British Columbia, Canada, plans to move ahead at the Dewey-Burdock uranium in-situ recovery (ISR) site near Edgemont. The company motioned the Water Management Board to hold a status conference on May 5, 2021, stating that they hope...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Government Affairs Connection is a gathering of local business community members and focuses on timely topics of local interest. The purpose of the meeting is to hear from local government leaders to ensure that they understand the status of the economic climate by engaging in discussions...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Fork Real Café is a regular sit-down café with a mom-and-pop feel, but what is special about it is that customers are offered different ways to participate by either paying for their meal, paying it forward for someone in need or volunteering for their meal. Dave...
MARTIN, S.D. — “The General Store” – a.k.a. Ace Hardware and Lumber store in Martin has been sold to RF Buche, who will take over on May 18th. Buche plans to keep the store running regular hours through the transition so customers are not affected. “Martin is great, thriving business...
SPEARFISH, S.D. — Businesses interested in naming the future sportsplex at Sky Ridge in Spearfish may submit proposals for the opportunity. “The naming rights package for this sports complex means far more than the traditional corporate sponsorship,” Spearfish Parks and Recreation Director Tyler Ehnes said, “Not only will the business...
BLACK HILLS, S.D. — It’s becoming an growing problem for business in the Black Hills, especially when tourists are getting out. “We can’t find anyone that’s looking for a job,” said Harley Kirwan, the owner of the Gunslinger Saloon in Deadwood. The tourism season is already here in the Black...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Spring is here, and South Dakota’s tourist season is getting a head start, as Bear Country U.S.A. opened Friday. The tourist attraction on Highway 16 between Rapid City and Keystone is a perennial favorite with locals and tourists alike. The drive-through animal park lets visitors see...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Rapid City Regional Airport Officials are expressing concerns over the lack of workers as the summer travel season approaches. Airport Director of Operations and Maintenance, Chris Deitz, says they are looking to hire additional maintenance staff and seasonal Skycaps. Applications and job descriptions for those jobs,...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — There’s a difference between giving money to a parking meter and donating money in a giving meter. Giving meters are coming to downtown Rapid City this summer. If you visit downtown and pay to park, you can also donate to several service organizations. A total of...
LEAD, S.D. — A Lead business owner watched his livelihood burn to the ground back in February – but he isn’t looking to quit doing what he loves. “I thought I was going to wake up the next morning and it was going to be over but it obviously wasn’t,”...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Elevate Rapid City works to recruit businesses, or help current businesses expand, to bring in jobs and fill a need in the local community. Last month, they held a focus group to provide feedback in three categories: Dining, Retail, and Entertainment. Now, they want the public’s...
WANBLEE, S.D. — The Wanblee Mart on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation has now been sold to R.F. Buche, who owns a small chain of Buche Foods and Gus Stop Convenience Stores. Buche will take over on April 28th, 2021. “The store will be closed on the 28th for inventory,...
DEADWOOD, S.D. — It was a great day for the wrap-up of Deadwood’s eighth annual Forks, Corks and Kegs event. The festival began on Friday, with a two-hour wine tasting tour of the town. Saturday’s event started at 11 a.m. and included chefs from around Deadwood who prepared samples of...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Representative Dusty Johnson toured a growing Rapid City business on Friday. Johnson visited Phase Technologies, a manufacturing company that opened its doors in 1999. Phase employs over 80 workers, and recently moved into a 200,000 square foot facility. Johnson says tours like these help him develop...
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