RAPID CITY, S.D. — It was a special day for a young boy in Rapid City, with attendance from local law enforcement, and surprise guests from the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Jordan Yellow Horse recently saved a young autistic friend who was dared to jump into Rapid Creek. Yellow Horse didn’t...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Back-to-school plans for many local districts are still incomplete and once they’re set, they’ll still be fluid given the unknowns of the virus in a classroom setting. A group of concerned parents are setting out to either utilize the state’s open enrollment option or get creative...
STURGIS, S.D. — The Sturgis “Meals on Wheels” Program serves around 250 meals daily. During the Rally, meal recipients get two meals a day, so homebound residents aren’t forced to go to the store. Charity Organizer, Robert Pandya approached Sturgis Meals Manager, Jamie Helms, with an online fundraiser to help...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Black Hills Harley Davidson houses many vendors and organizations during the Rally. The Gold Star Ride Foundation is a non-profit organization that honors the fallen by taking care of their families. It will actively support, comfort and provide education benefits to Gold Star Families throughout the...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Riders and NASCAR fans alike got the chance to ride with Nascar driver, Rusty Wallace on a charity ride Wednesday. The ride began at Black Hills Harley Davidson and took a scenic tour of the Black Hills and ended up at the Buffalo Chip for a...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Charlie Buhler grew up in Rapid City and Mitchell, South Dakota and now lives in Hollywood, pursuing a career in film making. Her film, “Before the Fire” is a pandemic thriller that ironically was written, produced and released just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit here in...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile and Planters Nutmobile are making their way to Rapid City and around the Black Hills. Both vehicles rolled into town on Monday, August 10 with the intent to make several appearances in the area together. They will offer fans and fanatics a...
RAPID CITY, S.D. – Bowling is rarely thought of as a kind of competitive sport that, say football or baseball is. But a recent Rapid City Central graduate is proving that wrong and now she’s ready to take her talents to the next level. Katie Paris starting bowling when she...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — A bike path expansion is up for consideration as the Rapid City Public Works Committee approved a budget of a little over $33,000. The path runs down the east side of Cambell Street and the current path cuts off right before Rocker Street. The expansion will...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — When the Rapid City Area Schools open on September 8, staff and faculty will have masks in hand. It’s part of The Together Again Plan approved on Monday by the school board. Rapid City Area Schools’ board meeting included another round of debates as members voted...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Parents and students will be navigating through this challenging school year. One way to keep tabs on older students learning from home while parents are at work is the Hoopcam and Hoopcam plus. “Well this is one of the simplest solutions that I have found so...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Outside In- Children’s Indoor Playground is helping to take the education burden off parents and offering the ‘Homework Helpers’ Program when school resumes this year. The program is designed for workmen parents who are opting to do the virtual learning option for their children in K...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — It’s the time of year that produce is in abundance but now the tricky part is storing it the proper way. “The thing is when you buy fresh produce, store it correctly,” said Kayla Wede, a Clinical Dietitian at Monument Health. “So when you store it...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — It’s no secret that kids have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why The Chamber Music Festival of Black Hills wants to help out children with their latest project, “Riders on the Storm”. In Art Alley on Tuesday night, children from The General Beadle Discovery...
RAPID CITY, S.D. – As families search for ways to get outside this summer, playgrounds are a popular option. During these warmer months it’s important that parents and kids be aware of hot surfaces. Toddlers and young children can easily get burned, as their bodies are still developing basic senses....
According to the American Cancer Society, mammograms are the best weapon against breast cancer. A woman’s lifetime chance of developing breast cancer is 1 in 8. New technology is improving early detection and treatment of breast cancer. The 3D mammography screening is now in all the Monument Heath Black Hills...
The Children’s Miracle Network got its start in 1983 with the mission to help cover the cost of medical care for children. Since then, they have raised over seven billion dollars, most donations raised only one dollar at a time. Children’s hospitals like Monument Health rely on the kind donations...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — You might spend the summer on the lake, either on a boat or out for a swim. Lakes can be a source of family fun where memories are created, and summer traditions live on. It is important to go to the lake prepared whether you get...
RAPID CITY, S.D. — Job placement rates continue to hold steady for graduates of the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. According to the School of Mines, recent graduates of the class of 2019 are seeing a 96 percent placement rate either in their field of study or in...
RAPID CITY S.D. – The COVID-19 Outbreak has been difficult for most, but it has been even more challenging for those who are immunocompromised. Those whose immune systems have been weakened at this time are at a much higher risk for catching a severe case of the virus. According to...

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