A COVID-19 symptom is being dubbed as COVID Toes, which is basically a rash on the feet.
COVID Toes is the latest dermatological development associated with COVID-19. The rash is essentially inflammation in the body that is showing up in the toes. It’s more frequent in younger patients who tend to be healthier and have a better prognosis long term.
Siri Knutsen-Larson, M.D., Monument Health Dermatology, says, “Usually it just self resolves. Sometimes it can be painful, sometimes it can be itchy and if it does have symptoms, you can treat those. But really there is nothing more you are going to do for the actual problem.”
The rash will look like dark red or purple bumps and tend to be on toes and on sides of the feet.
Dr. Knutsen-Larson says that these lesions could be the only presenting symptom someone with covid-19 encounters, saying, “So that’s important, because if you don’t have any other symptoms and you notice a rash on your feet -it’s a good idea to be seen and tested, so you can keep yourself isolated from the contacts.”
The other aspect is that the rash could have nothing to do with the virus and that is why it’s important to talk to your board-certified dermatologist or to your health care provider and get evaluated.
If you do get it checked but if the cause can’t be determined, or if you can’t get a COVID- 19 test, then you should always self-isolate as a precaution.
Knutsen-Larson says, “The majority of the cases have been showing up have been documented post symptoms, so you may have been sick a week before and then all of the sudden you get a rash. But among a lot of patients aren’t even developing some of the respiratory symptoms — they are just developing the rash.”
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