ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, S.D. — At the end of June, Ellsworth’s 28th Security Forces Squadron became the first unit in the Air Force Global Strike Command to receive a new type of M4 rifle.
The M4A1 Carbine rifles will replace older models and boast a single-side safety and three-round burst firing.
“The M4A1 provides several upgrades such as utilizing ambidextrous safety and safe, semi and automatic trigger groups,” said Tech. Sgt Richard Hovland, the 28th Security Forces Squadron noncommissioned officer in charge of combat arms. “While the upgrades seem minor, the features provide an enhancement for left-handed shooters and increase operational capabilities for defenders.”
Modern upgrades will allow Security Forces personnel to better respond to threats at Ellsworth.
The new M4’s will become the primary weapon system at the base once processed.