RAPID CITY, S.D. — This Sunday morning was great for a brisk walk or run through old Storybook Island – with a purpose – raising awareness for cardiac rehab.
The February Freeze Fun Run kicks-off National Cardiac Rehab Week. It was supposed to be last week, but the freeze was way to severe.
Representatives from Monument Health were at the event, stressing the importance of heart health and medical services that are available.
“Anytime somebody has a heart event, they usually are encouraged to do outpatient cardiac rehab. We have a gym at monument where we help to get them exercising, get them back on their feet after a heart event, help strengthen the heart back up, and then they can transition into our phase three program, which is more of a maintenance program,” said Cody Murray, exercise physiologist.
This years event saw an increased number of online registrations. Walkers and runners has staggered start times to help with social distancing.
The fun run was a great opportunity to encourage one aspect of heart health – physical activity.
Professionals say a heart healthy diet and between 150 and 300 minutes of exercise a week all help in keeping things ticking.