RAPID CITY, S.D. — Each spring, the Helpline Center’s Volunteer Connections Program honors people who go above and beyond the call of duty with the Spirit of Volunteerism Awards; this year it has a tag, COVID-19 Edition.
This year, Helpline is focusing on celebrating COVID-19 volunteers those who stepped up during the pandemic. Anyone can register a volunteer who gave back or is still giving. All volunteers that are registered will be recognized.
Honorees could include those who volunteered during a food giveaway, made face masks or assisted the home bound.
Audrey Nordine, Black Hills Program Coordinator, says, “Because this year has been so strange and we know that someone that made masks or someone that volunteered at the hospital, you know, there’s not a lot of difference with giving back during COVID. I think that it has been challenging for everyone so we really want to highlight the people who gave back for COVID efforts or if they just volunteered during COVID.”
The award honorees will be celebrated during National Volunteer Week, April 18 through 24.
Nominations will be put together for a virtual presentation that will be on Helpline social media platforms and on the website.
Nordine says, “That is what we hope for, that people will nominate the people that they know that have give back during this time, whether it be because they were making masks or doing food deliveries or shoveling snow for their neighbor or mowing the lawn, you know, during the summer for the senior neighbor.”
Click here for the link to register a volunteer.