RAPID CITY, S.D. — It’s the boot-scootin’ talk of the town – the Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo! The official event began Friday morning right here in Rapid City.
This is the 64th year for the rodeo, which started as a small event with only 91 head of cattle back in 1959.
The Friday morning ribbon cutting in the Barnett Fieldhouse gave the public a chance to see the multi-agency effort that goes into such an event, with mayoral proclamations and appearances by county commissioners and even state senators.
Stock Show General Manager Ron Jeffries says the excitement has been building all week.
“[There’s] lots of people in the building already; the youth show is exploding in the back room. [It] sounds like we just built a brand-new arena and we already need more space,” Jeffries says. “It’s a great problem to have at the Black Hills Stock Show; we’re super excited to see everybody come out and join us [for] the 64th annual.”
Stock Show Board President Dean Johnson had the honor of cutting the ribbon.
NewsCenter1 will be live throughout the event beginning Friday night, January 28 at 5:30 p.m.