Lifeways group
RAPID CITY, S.D. — In order to celebrate five years serving the Black Hills, OsteoStrong, a Rapid City health and wellness center, has begun a month-long effort to raise money for Lifeways, a nonprofit adolescent substance abuse prevention, intervention and outpatient treatment agency.
For five years, OsteoStrong Rapid City has offered osteogenic loading services aimed at improving bone heath and density to their clients. Herb and Shelley Ebel started OsteoStrong Rapid City as an effort to improve their own health, and they say the reward has been seeing so many residents benefit from their services.
Lifeways is a South Dakota State accredited agency, which offers prevention programming in the Rapid City and Custer Schools, along with early intervention programing, intensive outpatient treatment, individual counseling and recovery groups afterschool for adolescents and their parents. They also offer brief screenings, alcohol and drug assessments and trauma counseling.
“Adolescents today are pressured to try various substances, and as the future of our community they need our support,” says Herb Ebel, co-owner of OsteoStrong Rapid City “Therefore, we are working to bring awareness to the valued services offered by Lifeways.”
Click here to learn more about Lifeways, OsteoStrong and the many available donation options.