RAPID CITY, S.D. — Another step towards normality as the Roosevelt Swim Center in Rapid City reopens.
The swim center and ice arena were shut down in mid-March, due to restrictions on public gatherings.
Like most other things that have re-opened, it’s not business as usual. There are a few safety guidelines, such as wearing masks in the front lobby and a limit of 64 people in the facility at one time.
Still, swimmers were excited to the have opportunity to jump in the pool.
“It’s just a great opportunity to get good exercise,” said Theresa Glavin of Rapid City. “We enjoy walking through the pool, we love the hot tub, which is very good for your muscles and good exercise.”
“As long as we keep everybody with their social distancing and stuff, and having the short number of people who can be in here, I think it’s very safe,” said Cathy Sheffield of Rapid City.
Social distancing measures are also in place and only the family change restrooms are being used. Swimmers are also being asked to arrive and leave in swimsuits, as the locker rooms remain closed.