RAPID CITY, S.D. — Senator John Thune in Rapid City on Friday taking a tour of Property Meld. The local company start up recently broke ground on a new facility in downtown Rapid City.
The tech company started after CEO Ray Hespen graduated South Dakota Mines, left the area, and then returned to settle down.
Thune says that more businesses are looking at Rapid City, and Property Meld has the right idea.
“I think understand that there’s a quality of life here that’s hard to beat like especially look at the Black Hills and all the outdoor opportunities and experiences — the scenery, the culture — there’s just a lot of things that make us an attractive place to live,” said Thune. “With the pandemic, people really doubled down on the idea that South Dakota is a pretty open place.”
He adds that it’s about creating good job opportunities and wages that will be attractive to individuals or families considering the area.
And with the B-21 on the way, many businesses are already eyeballing the region.