Guarded by an 18-foot robot, Sprockets Fun Foundry brings cutting-edge virtual reality attractions and state-of-the-art arcade games to Keystone. Tom Hagen, owner of Sprockets Fun Foundry, explained his vision for the attraction. “So, when it came to arcade machines, we felt there was a niche to get really modern arcade...
BROOKINGS, S.D. — Technology changes constantly, as well as how we go about teaching and learning with these newly developed tools. At South Dakota State University, virtual reality is allowing rare hands-on career training to be an everyday goggles on educational experience. “Based on our past and current use of...
BROOKINGS, S.D. — Students at South Dakota State University have been using virtual reality as an immersive learning tool in the classroom. Through the school’s ambassador program, student representatives can use these same virtual reality goggles and worlds to inspire high school students to reach for their college and career...

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