Rapid City, S.D. — Many of the nation’s veterans struggle with PTSD, depression and thoughts of suicide. this is where the Sergeant Colton Levi Derr Foundation can help.
After Colton took his life following his return from Afghanistan, his family created the foundation to honor his memory and serve other service members and veterans. Every day, more than 20 service members take their lives and organizations like the Derr Foundation work to raise awareness and help the veterans who are struggling. While it’s important to appreciate the service of everyone in the military, it’s critical to ensure they are mentally, and emotionally well.
“The best thing that we can do with anyone, open the conversation and say ‘thank you for your service’, but then have that deeper conversation and say, you know ‘Are you doing okay, I‘m here to listen,’” said father of Colton Derr, and founder, Jerry Derr. “And what most people really forget in this life, is the best thing you can do, really for anybody, vet or non-vet, is listen, and just listen without judgment.”
Along with raising awareness and helping veterans in tough situations, the foundation also works to help service members transition to civilian life.