RAPID CITY, S.D. — United Way of the Black Hills is preparing for its upcoming “Month of Caring” in September, and there’s still time if you’re interested in organizing a project or registering as a volunteer.
The Month of Caring is a chance for anyone to help tackle large and small projects throughout our region. Volunteers can help in several different ways, such as painting houses, helping the elderly or disabled with tasks, even doing lawn work for nonprofit organizations. Projects can also be outside of the box and completed individually or even virtually.
The entire event had to be virtual last year due to the pandemic, but things are starting to get back to normal this year.
“It’s so great to kind of see folks getting back out into their community again. Of course, there are some new challenges again this year that we’re seeing, but one being that we’re seeing more people being comfortable heading outdoor projects. Really being kind of spread out but being back in your community is just so huge and we’re so happy to see people getting back out there,” said, Audrea Amstutz with United Way of the Black Hills.
Project sites and volunteers are still needed for the following areas:
- Rapid City
- Sturgis
- Belle Fourche
- Lead
- Deadwood
- Spearfish
- Hill City
- Custer
- Hot Springs
- Edgemont
Interested volunteers may also contact Rosellen Reese, Month of Caring Coordinator, at (605) 343-5872.
For more information on the United Way of the Black Hills, click here.