RAPID CITY, S.D. — Vitalant in Rapid City is calling on donors to give the gift of life in honor of the ones who gave life to them.
The second annual “Donate for Mothers” blood drive is taking blood, platelet, and plasma donations through the month of May in honor of all moms.
The campaign was started in Colorado to bring awareness for the need of blood donations for women that experience pregnancy and child birth complications.
The campaign illustrates the constant need for blood in the community.
“The majority of blood transfusions are used for actually routine procedures, not for emergencies. So those patients are always counting on a stable steady blood supply to get the blood they need to survive,” said Molly Barari, Donor Recruitment Representative.
As a gift of thanks, all donors through May 26 will receive a $5 Amazon gift card or Vitalant baseball cap.
Click here to find a link to learn more about the campaign and how you can donate.